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Is it necessary to install on-line power quality monitoring devices in substations

AddTime:2020-12-28 15:49:30   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

As for whether the substation needs to install power quality on-line monitoring device, in fact, many people have doubts about this problem in their minds. As the power quality on-line monitoring manufacturer, it is necessary to install power quality on-line monitoring system in the substation.

Substation as an important place to change the voltage, in order to transfer the power generated by the power plant to a farther place, there are many links of voltage increase or decrease in the middle, and finally to the user. In the process of transmission, there will be loss of electric energy, but it has a range. The deviation within this range is allowed. Once it is higher than or lower than this range, it is unqualified. And the electric energy is a kind of invisible material, how to measure the deviation of its parameters, this is to give the power quality online monitoring device.

Each parameter of power quality has a precision index and deviation range, and the power quality on-line monitoring system is based on this index and range to real-time on-line monitoring of power quality. The indexes that can be measured and analyzed by power quality on-line monitoring device are: power supply frequency deviation, power supply voltage deviation, power supply voltage fluctuation and flicker, allowable unbalance degree of three-phase power supply voltage, power grid harmonic. The harmonic of non-stationary time-varying signal is measured and analyzed by wavelet transform. : regularly record and store the change trend of voltage, current, active power, reactive power, frequency, phase and other power parameters.

The main function of online power quality monitoring device is to monitor the power quality problems of the measured points in real time. The price range of online power quality monitoring device on the market is about 20000-50000, which is the price of a power quality online monitoring device screen. When purchasing, users need to make comparisons in terms of price, function, on-site configuration requirements, etc.

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