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What are the requirements for power quality indicators

AddTime:2020-10-26 13:18:03   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

Strictly speaking, the main indexes of power quality include voltage, frequency and waveform. But generally speaking, it refers to high-quality power supply, including voltage quality, current quality, power supply quality and power consumption quality. This shows the importance of power quality. Through the power quality online monitoring device, the power quality can be monitored in real time, various power parameters can be quickly collected and accurately analyzed, and various indicators of power quality can be monitored and evaluated.

Voltage quality is the concept that the deviation between the actual voltage and the ideal voltage reflects whether the electric energy supplied by power supply enterprises to users is qualified. This definition can include most of the power quality problems, but it can not include the power quality problems caused by frequency, nor the influence and pollution of power equipment on the power quality of power grid.

Current quality reflects the change of current which is closely related to voltage quality. In addition to the requirement of constant frequency and normal waveform of AC power supply, the current waveform and supply voltage are required to be in phase to ensure the operation of high power factor. This definition is helpful to improve the power quality and reduce the line loss, but it can not summarize most power quality problems caused by voltage.

The technical meaning of power supply quality refers to voltage quality and power supply reliability, while non-technical meaning refers to service quality. Including the response speed of power supply enterprises to customer complaints and the rationality and transparency of electricity price composition.

The power quality includes the current quality and the interaction between the power supply and the user and the rights, responsibilities and obligations of the power user in the image. It also includes whether the power users pay the electricity charges on time and in full amount.

The quality of power supply has a great impact on the safety production, economic benefits and people's life of industrial and public utility users. The deterioration of power supply quality will lead to the decrease of efficiency and power factor, increase of loss, shortening of service life, decline of product quality, failure of electronic and automation equipment, etc.

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